Free To Be Me

Sharing stories of ordinary woman living extra-ordinary lives. Here, we craft a tapestry of diverse perspectives, offering support, inspiration, and holistic health insights. Join us on this transformative journey, where shared stories empower your own narrative. Welcome to a community where your well-being matters.

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5 days ago

Rosy Crescitelli shares her journey and insights on overcoming inadequacy, exploring Human Design, and embracing wholeheartedness. Growing up in a rigid, conservative Christian environment, Rosy faced struggles with shame and not feeling enough. Her life transformed through encounters with Human Design, where she discovered she was a 'Projector', along with  the works of Brene Brown, which led her to embrace wholehearted living. Rosy has lived across the United States due to her husband's military career, raised four children, and delved into various professions from teaching to clinical aromatherapy, always driven by a desire to understand human energetics and emotions. Despite the challenges of navigating parenting, Rosy is intent on using her experiences and insights to help parents prepare for the evolving needs of future generations, particularly in education. She emphasizes the importance of acknowledging both the gravity and levity of life, aiming to bridge traditional education with more holistic, heart-centered approaches.
Links to find:
Host Karen Pawley on Website &  Instagram & Facebook & LinkedIn
Guest Rosy Crescitelli on Website &  Instagram 
Author Lynne Twist The Soul of Money
Sponsor Holly and Maple on Instagram & Spoonflower

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

Host Karen Pawley engages in a heartfelt and insightful conversation with her long-term friend Christine, exploring themes of personal growth, self-acceptance, and the transformative power of facing life’s challenges with grace and resilience. Christine shares her journey of becoming her own best friend, learning to listen to her inner voice, and embracing the beauty of life's struggle without letting it define her. With a focus on the importance of self-belief, the nurturing of creativity, and the significance of allowing oneself moments of stillness and fun, Christine's story is a testament to the strength found in vulnerability and the courage it takes to continually step towards a more joyous and balanced existence. By reflecting on their personal experiences, Karen and Christine invite listeners to consider their relationship with themselves and how embracing one's journey, with all its ups and downs, can lead to a deeper sense of contentment and fulfillment.
Links to find:
Host Karen Pawley on Instagram & Facebook & LinkedIn
Guest Christine Isted on  Instagram & Spoonflower
Author Thema Bryant Home Coming
Sponsor Holly and Maple on Instagram & Spoonflower

Wednesday May 29, 2024

In this episode host Karen Pawley engages in a deeply moving conversation with guest Stefanie Joseph on the intricate dance of emotions around shame, grief, and acceptance. Stefanie, a life and business coach with a focus on intuitive and somatic practices, shares her transformative journey through personal losses, including the profound impact of her sister Jen's unexpected passing in 2022. She discusses how somatic work and her engagement with the Gene Keys and Human Design have played pivotal roles in her healing process and personal evolution. Stefanie's story is a testament to the power of staying present, embracing one's natural essence, and the continual opening of the heart despite the inevitable encounters with grief and loss. Her insights highlight the importance of seeing the beauty and magnificence in life's mundane moments and maintaining a connection with nature's aliveness. Stefanie's journey encourages listeners to honor their uniqueness and the significance of sharing one's true self with the world.
Links to find:
Host Karen Pawley on Instagram & Facebook & LinkedIn
Guest Stefanie Joseph on Website & Instagram 
Clarissa Pinkola Este’s Women Who Run with Wolves
Sponsor Holly and Maple on Instagram & Spoonflower

Wednesday May 22, 2024

In this episode of the Free To Be Me podcast, guest, Jessica Gold, embodies the essence of being free from self-imposed limitations, negative thought patterns, and societal expectations to live authentically. Jessica shares her journey of gender transition at the age of 40, detailing the challenges and the deep-seated realization that transitioning was not merely a desire but a fundamental aspect of her identity. She discusses the significant decisions and pivot points in her life, including the end of her marriage and the beginning of her journey as Jessica, highlighting the importance of self-compassion during this transformative period. The conversation touches on societal pressures, personal growth, and the struggle to fit into predetermined norms, ultimately emphasizing the importance of being true to oneself and embracing one’s true identity despite external challenges.
Links to find:
Host Karen Pawley on Instagram & Facebook & LinkedIn
Book by Glennon Doyle Love Warrior
Sponsor Holly and Maple on Instagram & Spoonflower

Wednesday May 15, 2024

In this episode of the "Free To Be Me" podcast, guest Karen Eldar shares her journey in finding calm amid chaos through various practices such as Yoga Nidra and her unique backgrounds in Chinese medicine, spiritual psychology, and a profound love for understanding consciousness through patterns and archetypes. The conversation delves into Karen's transformative experiences and insights on nurturing inner peace, the role of love in achieving calmness, and the therapeutic effects of embracing one's path without succumbing to societal pressures or self-doubt. The discussion is interwoven with references to Elizabeth Gilbert's insights on finding calm within oneself rather than seeking it externally. Karen's narrative is a testament to the power of self-introspection, the importance of surrounding oneself with supportive community, and the journey towards self-acceptance and actualization through embracing the love that exists both within and around us.
Links to find:
Host Karen Pawley on Instagram & Facebook & LinkedIn
Elizabeth Gilbert’s Letters from Love 
Sponsor Holly and Maple on Instagram & Spoonflower

Wednesday May 08, 2024

In this podcast, we listen to Karen in conversation with Tamara MacPherson, who shares her life experiences, emphasizing the significance of growth, change, and acceptance. Tamara opens up about her journey from growing up in an abusive household to making choices out of fear, leading her through three marriages and to a point of self-discovery and realization. She discusses how crucial support from friends and family has been throughout her life and how she navigates the balance between routine and fluidity. With an open emotional center, Tamara reflects on her ability to distinguish between her emotions and those of others, enabling her to support friends without taking on their burdens. Her curiosity and love for nature, fantasy, and exploring new concepts fuel her passion for life. Tamara feels a sense of readiness for a new phase in her life, guided by the signs provided by the universe. The episode underscores the importance of listening to the universe, learning from life's experiences, and being open to growth and change.
Links to find:
Host Karen Pawley on Instagram & Facebook & LinkedIn
Guest Tamara McPherson on Instagram 
Book by Cristy Cabe If Only It Were a Piece of Cake: Slices of hope for life's difficult moments
Sponsor Holly and Maple on Instagram & Spoonflower

Wednesday May 01, 2024

Guest, Jessie Carr shares her journey of transformation, emphasizing the significance of pause and mindfulness in navigating life's changes. Initially driven by external achievements and the corporate grind at Google, Jessie experienced a profound shift when she decided to leave her job and travel the world without a concrete plan. This decision was met with mixed reactions from others but marked the beginning of her exploration into a more mindful and fulfilling life. Through her studies, including a recent course on the science of mindfulness, Jessie has deepened her understanding of the importance of pause and awareness in personal growth. She discusses the liberating realization that joy and satisfaction are paramount and highlights how Human Design has provided her with a roadmap to embrace her individuality and share her insights with others. Jessie encourages listeners to find joy in simplicity and to trust in their unique journeys, using mindfulness and self-awareness as tools for transformation.
Links to find:
Host Karen Pawley on Instagram & Facebook & LinkedIn
Guest Jessie Carr on Instagram & Website & Linger List Free Guide
Book by Octavia Raheem Pause, Rest, Be: Stillness Practices for Courage in Times of Change
Sponsor Holly and Maple on Instagram & Spoonflower

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

In this episode of the podcast, Uma Girish shares her deeply moving journey through grief, transformation, and her path to finding purpose and meaning in life. Having moved from southern India to the United States in 2008, Uma's life took an unexpected turn when her mother was diagnosed with, and soon passed away from stage 4 breast cancer. This loss propelled Uma into a profound period of self-reflection and healing, during which she explored the depths of grief, the importance of storytelling, and ultimately found her calling in supporting others through their grief and helping them discover their life's purpose. Uma discusses the significance of language, narrative shaping, and the power of sharing one's story for healing and transformation. She also touches upon the impact of Human Design on her life, offering insights into how it has provided her with a deeper understanding of her purpose and how she serves others. Uma's journey underscores the importance of navigating life with authenticity, and the continual process of becoming and embodying one's true self.
Links to find:
Host Karen Pawley on Instagram & Facebook & LinkedIn
Guest Uma Girish on Website & Substack & Podcast: Being Fully Me (on all podcast platforms)
Book by Uma Girish Losing Ama Finding Home: A Memoir about Love, Loss and Life’s Detours
Sponsor Holly and Maple on Instagram & Spoonflower

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

In this episode I dive into the nuances of bravery versus courage with guest Robyn Cohen, a yoga instructor from Metta Yoga in Marin. We discuss how bravery is about acting in the moment, while courage involves facing fears with conscious decision-making. I share a reading from Brené Brown's book "Rising Strong," emphasizing the transformative power of courage on our emotional being. Robyn, revealing her personal journey and struggles, including a childhood marked by fear and a deep desire to be liked, reflects on the impact of early heartbreaks and her path to finding strength and courage. She opens up about her experiences, from dealing with her first broken heart in sixth grade to navigating relationships and self-worth. Robyn also touches on the significance of her father's sobriety and its positive impact on her life, illustrating the healing power of courage and the importance of support systems. The episode encapsulates a conversation about personal growth and the continual journey towards self-discovery and wholehearted living.
Links to find:
Host Karen Pawley on Instagram & Facebook & LinkedIn
Guest Robyn Cohen on Instagram & Facebook & Website 
Elizabeth Gilbert on Substack Letters from Love
Sponsor Holly and Maple on Instagram & Spoonflower

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

In this in-depth, heartfelt episode, Sonja McKaiser, a vibrant Cape Town-based life coach passionate about empowering women over 40 to redefine midlife as a groundbreaking, revolutionary phase, joins me for an enlightening conversation. Delving into topics of radical self-love, emotional expression, and societal pressures, Sonja shares her journey from feeling invisible and shrinking herself to embracing her larger-than-life presence with unapologetic confidence. She highlights the transformative power of granting oneself permission to take up space, to feel deeply, and to express emotions freely, advocating for the healing potential of community, vulnerability, and authentic connection. Through practices like gratitude, intentional moon circles, and embracing a variety of experiences, Sonja illustrates how embracing one's full emotional spectrum and rejecting societal norms about aging can lead to profound personal growth and fulfillment. Her story is a testament to the strength found in vulnerability, the vibrancy of living true to oneself, and the magic that unfolds when women come together to support, witness, and empower one another.
Links to find:
Host Karen Pawley on Instagram & LinkedIn
Guest Sonja McKaiser on Instagram & Website & Midlife Experiment Facebook Group
Book by Sonya Renee Taylor The Body is not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love
Sponsor Holly and Maple on Instagram & Spoonflower


I'm Karen Pawley, host of the Free to be Me Podcast. I'm South African born and currently living on the beautiful shores of the Bay Area of California.  I have had the pleasure and honour of journeying with many fabulous women over the course of my life. Each from different backgrounds, at varying stages of their lives, but all have encountered trauma, have faced obstacles and challenges along the way and yet each time they have raised themselves up and kept evolving. These women have inspired me to live a better, more honest life and many will be joining me here to bravely share their stories. 

The topics we will cover will span far and wide, I can’t even begin to dream where all they may take us. My personal journey includes impactful and transformative experiences as a holistic health & wellness coach, guiding people as a yoga nidra meditation facilitator, as well as playing in the ponds of the gene keys, human design and astrology so you’ll definitely be hearing more about these passions within the conversations shared here as well as a whole lot more!

The central theme revolves around the inward journey to self-discovery, self-love, and the holistic integration of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. My mission is to inspire listeners to look for answers within and to nurture a deeper connection with themselves, offering stories as inspiration for a healthier, freer life.

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